Past Arts Night Out Events
Contrasts Ramirez USA Tour w/ Luis Regidor Paín! Meet the Artists with Demonstration! Crackerbox Pottery Fiber Arts Demonstration DJH Comics
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Absolute Gallery (536 E César E. Chávez Ave ) Amy Ferguson , Fiber Arts
Arts Council of Greater Lansing (1208 Turner ) Matt Mulford , Contrasts
Bad Annie's Sweary Goods (1209 Turner St. ) Cecilia Garcia-Linz , Bad Annie's Sweary Goods Presents
Clark Hill PLC (212 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Greater Lansing Weaver's Guild , Fiber Arts Demonstration
Cravings Popcorn (1221 Turner St. ) Daniel Hogan , DJH Comics
Elderly Instruments (1100 N Washington Ave ) Luis Regidor Pain , Ramirez USA Tour w/ Luis Regidor Paín!
Great Lakes Art & Gifts (306 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Autumn Romig and Dianne May , Meet the Artists with Demonstration!
Katalyst Gallery (1214 Turner St ) Dana Strickland , Katalyst Presents!
Metro Retro (304 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Samantha Roe , Metro Retro Presents!
MICA Gallery (1210 Turner St. ) Eric Staib , Reuse
Mother & Earth: Toys + Baby (100 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. ) Coming Soon , Mother & Earth Presents!
Old Town General Store (408 E Cesar Chavez Ave ) Kathe DeMara SMith , Crackerbox Pottery
Polka Dots Boutique (1207 Turner St ) Coming Soon , Polka Dots Presents!
Sweet Custom Jewelry (1232 Turner St ) Andrew Sandstedt , Sweet Custom Jewelry Presents!
UrbanBeat Event Center (1213 Turner St ) Various Artists , Live music on the Patio!
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Bella Grande (227 Cochran Ave ) Christine Beals , Christine Beals
Captain's Cabinetry (136 S Cochran ) Erin Wonch , Erin Wonch Photography
Evelyn Bay Coffee Shop (134 S Cochran Ave ) Frendz Musical Group , Frendz Musical Group
First Congregational Church (106 S. Bostwick ) Various Artists , Quilt Show
Lilypepper Boutique (129 S. Cochran ) Michaelle Converse , Michaelle Converse Paintings
PAE Plumbing (119 S Cochran ) Steven Hooks Photography , Steven Hooks Photography
The Gaming Cantina (143 S Cochran Ave ) Karalee Sears , Comic Art
The Hen House Quilt Shop of Charlotte (211 Cochran Ave ) Various Artists , Fiber Artist
Thirsty Bird Bar & Kitchen (208 S Cochran ) Acres of Play , Coffee Filter Art
Tropical Tanning (108 S Cochran ) MonkeyStuff Jewlery , Monkey Stuff Jewelry
Windwalker Underground Gallery (125 S Cochran ) Doodle Art by Michelle JL , Doodle Art by Michelle JL
Gertie Lives on Gingko Street Katalyst Presents! Old Town General Store Presents! Clark Hill PLC Presents! Color Me Kind Art Magical Unions Cravings and Cartoons
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Absolute Gallery (536 E César E. Chávez Ave ) Various Artists , Absolute Gallery Presents!
Arts Council of Greater Lansing (1208 Turner ) Marissa Tawney Thaler , Gertie Lives on Gingko Street
Capital City Reprographics (1110 S. Center St. ) Rená Sykes , Color Me Kind Art
Clark Hill PLC (212 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Various Artists , Clark Hill PLC Presents!
Cravings Popcorn (1221 Turner St. ) Daniel Hogan , Cravings and Cartoons
Elderly Instruments (1100 N Washington Ave ) Various Artists and YOU! , Open Mic and Old Time Music Jam
Great Lakes Art & Gifts (306 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Roger Nowland and Lindsay Motson , Great Lakes Art & Gifts Presents!
Katalyst Gallery (1214 Turner St ) Jennifer Latunski and Dani Keith , Katalyst Presents!
Metro Retro (304 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Geoph Espen and Alex Teller , Magical Unions
MICA Gallery (1210 Turner St. ) Various Artists , MICA Gallery Presents!
Mother & Earth: Toys + Baby (100 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. ) Jeff Boerger , Doors: An Exhibition
Old Town General Store (408 E Cesar Chavez Ave ) Olivia Gorman , Old Town General Store Presents!
Polka Dots Boutique (1207 Turner St ) Stephanie Vasko , Polka Dots Presents!
Sweet Custom Jewelry (1232 Turner St ) Robin Spinner , Sweet Custom Jewelry Presents!
UrbanBeat Event Center (1213 Turner St ) YOU! , DJ Lipgloss and Asio Aviance , AFTERGLO Karaoke Contest with regular ANO offerings
Artist's View Youth Arts Month Art is Fluid Open Mic and Old Time Music Jam Organic Photography Drawing Folded Paper Celebrating Black Artistic Expression The Art of Movement People Over Time
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Absolute Gallery (536 E César E. Chávez Ave ) Michelle Detering , Absolute Gallery Presents!
Arts Council of Greater Lansing (1208 Turner ) Various Artists , Youth Arts Month
Capital City Reprographics (1110 S. Center St. ) Scott Fukio Fergus , People Over Time
Clark Hill PLC (212 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Various Artists , A Peek at Their Permanent Collection
Elderly Instruments (1100 N Washington Ave ) YOU! , Open Mic and Old Time Music Jam
Grace Braatz-Opper Modern Woodman of America (313 1/2 Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Hannah Bowman , Welcome to the Neighborhood!
Great Lakes Art & Gifts (306 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Chris Cypher and Karen Fraser , Meet the Artists
Katalyst Gallery (1214 Turner St ) Art is Fluid , Art is Fluid
Metro Retro (304 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Kevin Amon , Metro Retro Presents!
MICA Gallery (1210 Turner St. ) Various Artists , Artist's View
Mother & Earth: Toys + Baby (100 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. ) Marian Narodowiec , 3D Cards
Old Town General Store (408 E Cesar Chavez Ave ) Pooh Stephenson , Organic Photography
Old Town Marquee (319 E Cesar Chavez Ave ) Nat Spinz , Happendance and GypsyGems , The Art of Movement
Polka Dots Boutique (1207 Turner St ) Marissa Tawney Thaler , Drawing Folded Paper
Sweet Custom Jewelry (1232 Turner St ) Bob Sweet and Janice Hironaka , Fused Glass
UrbanBeat Event Center (1213 Turner St ) Julian Van Dyke , Natalie Anwar , Nyshell Lawrence , Brian Snyder and Brian Whitfield , Celebrating Black Artistic Expression
MICA Presents! All That Is Color Art of Adrienne Old Time Music Jam and Open Mic Michigan Beach Stones Sweet + 37Prime A KM Collection Art by Nan Seriously So Sam
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Absolute Gallery (536 E César E. Chávez Ave ) Charlie Holcomb , Michigan Beach Stones
Arts Council of Greater Lansing (1208 Turner ) Svitlana Martynjuk , All That Is Color
Capital City Reprographics (1110 S. Center St. ) Rachel Nanzer , Art by Nan
Clark Hill PLC (212 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Kurt Meister , A KM Collection
Elderly Instruments (1100 N Washington Ave ) Jamie-Sue Seal , Old Time Music Jam and Open Mic
Great Lakes Art & Gifts (306 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Mary Maschke and Mary Kimball , Post-Holiday Sale!
Katalyst Gallery (1214 Turner St ) Adrienne Gelardi , Art of Adrienne
Metro Retro (304 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Samantha Roe , Seriously So Sam
MICA Gallery (1210 Turner St. ) Terry Terry , Jack Bergeron , Bruce Thayer , Grant Guimond and Ziui Chen Vance , MICA Presents!
Mother & Earth: Toys + Baby (100 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. ) Coming Soon , Mother and Earth presents!
Polka Dots Boutique (1207 Turner St ) The Boyang Twins , ANO with the Boyang Twins
Sweet Custom Jewelry (1232 Turner St ) Emily Frushour , Sweet + 37Prime
UrbanBeat Event Center (1213 Turner St ) Punch Drunk , Live Music Night!
Dips and Sips Kids Music Night Open House Old Town General Store Presents! Whimsical Design ANO at MEBB Metro Retro Presents!
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Absolute Gallery (536 E César E. Chávez Ave ) John Gregg , Stephanie Gregg , Todd Nelson and Nathaniel Ostrum , Quattro- An Artist Exhibition
Arts Council of Greater Lansing (1208 Turner ) Various Artists , Global Expressions
Clark Hill PLC (212 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Kurt Meister , One Night Only, an Exhibition
Elderly Instruments (1100 N Washington Ave ) Melik Brown , Kids Music Night
Great Lakes Art & Gifts (306 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Melissa Sterenberg and Roger Nowland , Open House
Katalyst Gallery (1214 Turner St ) Joseph Yarbrough , November's Artist Exhibit
Metro Retro (304 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Tell Parris , Metro Retro Presents!
MICA Gallery (1210 Turner St. ) Ziui Chen Vance , Cause the Eyes Don't Lie
Mother & Earth: Toys + Baby (100 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. ) Kimberly Conklin , ANO at MEBB
Old Town General Store (408 E Cesar Chavez Ave ) Daniel Hogan , Old Town General Store Presents!
Polka Dots Boutique (1207 Turner St ) Reva Darling , Whimsical Design
Redhead Design Studio (1135 N. Washington Avenue ) Jill Zelenski , Dips and Sips
Sweet Custom Jewelry (1232 Turner St ) Richard Nichols , Metal and Wood: A Cross-over of Jewelry and Wood Carving
UrbanBeat Event Center (1213 Turner St ) Stan Budzynski and 3rd Degree , Live Music Night!
Arts Council Exhibit Reception Artist of the Month Great Lakes Art & Gifts Presents! Old Town General Store Presents! Metro Melik UrbanBeat Event Center Piper & Gold Public Relations Young Artists Showcase DJH @ The Grid (21+ ONLY) CoCo Blue Presents!
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Absolute Gallery (536 E César E. Chávez Ave ) Terry Guernsey , Absolute Gallery Presents!
Arts Council of Greater Lansing (1208 Turner ) Dennis Preston , Arts Council Exhibit Reception
Bloom Coffee Roasters (1236 Turner ) Coming Soon , Bloom Coffee Roasters Presents!
Capital City Reprographics (1110 S. Center St. ) Con Lustig , Kyle Keillor and Mandy Mann , Young Artists Showcase
Clark Hill PLC (212 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Saralee Howard , Clark Hill PLC Presents!
CoCo Blue (106 E Grand River Ave ) Will Ramsey , CoCo Blue Presents!
Elderly Instruments (1100 N Washington Ave ) Zach Henrys , Open-Mic Night and Old Tyme Jam
Great Lakes Art & Gifts (306 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Jane Falion , Great Lakes Art & Gifts Presents!
Katalyst Gallery (1214 Turner St ) Glen Lewis , Artist of the Month
Metro Retro (304 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Kevin Amon , Metro Retro Presents!
MICA Gallery (1210 Turner St. ) Wenlu Pei , Chinese Painting
Mother & Earth: Toys + Baby (100 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. ) Jane Reiter , Mother & Earth Presents!
Old Town General Store (408 E Cesar Chavez Ave ) Andrew Sandstedt , Old Town General Store Presents!
Piper & Gold Public Relations (313 1/2 E. Grand River Ave. ) Steph Joy Hogan , Piper & Gold Public Relations
Polka Dots Boutique (1207 Turner St ) Melik Brown , Metro Melik
Sweet Custom Jewelry (1232 Turner St ) Coming Soon , Sweet Jewelry Presents!
The Grid (226 E Grand River Ave ) Daniel Hogan , DJH @ The Grid (21+ ONLY)
UrbanBeat Event Center (1213 Turner St ) The Poetry Room and Sarah Jean Williams , UrbanBeat Event Center
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Asian Gourmet (2003 E. Michigan Ave. ) Michelle Detering , Gourmet Watercolor
Local Tattoo & Laser Co. (2020 Michigan Ave. ) Greg Drake , Body Art
Strange Matter Coffee (2010 Michigan Ave, #103 ) Sara Pulver , Debbie Carlos , Darcy Townes and DJ Etta , Donuts are Art, too
The Avenue Cafe (2021 Michigan Ave. ) Mike Bass and Sarah Jean Williams , Acoustic and Sass
The Bead Boutique (2015 Michigan Ave. ) Barbara Murray , Peyote and Herringbone
The Green Door Bar & Grill (2005 Michigan Ave ) Robert Shelburg and JiveOne5even , GreenOneSeven
Toarmina's Pizza (2011 Michigan Ave. ) Jenny Schu , Pizza Earrings and more!
Triple Goddess Bookstore (2019 Michigan Ave. ) Matt Mulford , Runes, Tarots, Graphics, oh my!
Wild Strawberry and More (2024 Michigan Ave. ) Jena McShane , Strawberries and Storms
Black and White Lost in Nature Indoor/Outdoor Old Tyme Music Jam and Open-Mic Night! Great Lakes Art & Gifts Presents! Abstract Expressionism Dog Ice Cream Social Polka Dots Presents! Young Artists! Photography Exhibit Meditation and More Where the Wild Things Bloom Presents!
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Absolute Gallery (536 E César E. Chávez Ave ) Coming Soon , Absolute Gallery Presents!
Arts Council of Greater Lansing (1208 Turner ) The Boyang Twins , Lost in Nature
Capital City Reprographics (1110 S. Center St. ) David Bowers , Photography Exhibit
Elderly Instruments (1100 N Washington Ave ) Jamie-Sue Seal , Old Tyme Music Jam and Open-Mic Night!
Great Lakes Art & Gifts (306 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Dianne Johns and Mary Maschke , Great Lakes Art & Gifts Presents!
Katalyst Gallery (1214 Turner St ) Christine Beals , Indoor/Outdoor
Metro Retro (304 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. ) Tim Lane , Meditation and More
MICA Gallery (1210 Turner St. ) Leonard Freed , Black and White
Mother & Earth: Toys + Baby (100 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave. ) Natalia and Sovereign , Young Artists!
Old Town General Store (408 E Cesar Chavez Ave ) Svitlana Martynjuk , Abstract Expressionism
Polka Dots Boutique (1207 Turner St ) The Dinner Belles , Polka Dots Presents!
Preuss Pets (1127 N. Cedar St ) Various Artists , Dog Ice Cream Social
Sweet Custom Jewelry (1232 Turner St ) Janice Hironaka , Janice L Creations
Where the Wild Things Bloom (523 E Grand River Ave, Lansing, MI 48906 ) Sarah Jean Williams and Amanda Milstead , Where the Wild Things Bloom Presents!
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Ameriprise Financial (122 S Cochran ) Atomic Boogaloo Band , Atomic Boogaloo Band
Bella Grande (227 Cochran Ave ) Theresa K Hummel , Mirrors and More!
Charlotte Shoe & Leather Repair (215 S Cochran Ave ) Michelle Weisenberg, Family & Wedding Photographer , Family & Wedding Photography
Cut-N-Tease Salon (229 S Cochran Ave ) Makeshift Mary , Makeshift Mary
Eaton County's Museum at Courthouse Square (100 W Lawrence ) Adrianne Surian , Art with Adrianne!
Evelyn Bay Coffee Shop (134 S Cochran Ave ) Clayton Jones , Music with Clayton
First Congregational Church (106 S. Bostwick ) Various Artists , Brownie Bake Off and Quilts!
GypsyMarket (116 S. Cochran Ave ) Chelsea Green , Music with Chelsea Green and Dria Day
Lilypepper Boutique (129 S. Cochran ) Steven Hooks Photography , Unique Nature Photography
Oh Darling Children's Upscale Resale and Boutique (141 S Cochran ) Acres of Play , Bubble Art with Acres of Play
PotterVilla Applied Technology (126 N Bostwick St ) Blake Brannam , Sketch Art
The Gaming Cantina (143 S Cochran Ave ) Paint Parties by Dee , Painting with Dee
The Groomery (116 E Lovett St, ) Clint Dickerson , Music with Clint Dickerson
The Hall (127 S Cochran ) Mickey Williamson , Murky Wave at The Hall
The Hen House Quilt Shop of Charlotte (211 Cochran Ave ) Various Artists , Various Fiber Artists!
The Yarn Garden (131 S Cochran ) Yusuke Hasegawa , PourYusuke
Windwalker Underground Gallery (125 S Cochran ) Doodle Art by Michelle JL , Doodle Art by Michelle JL