Michigan Emerging Museum Professionals


 Michigan-based museum lovers and professionals who believe that collaboration, outside-the-box thinking, and community-building are key to the future of museums. Michigan Emerging Museum Professionals is a chapter of the National Emerging Museum Professionals Network.

Our mission is to connect Michigan museum professionals in all stages of their careers, foster collaboration between Michigan's museums, and provide a space for Michigan's EMPs to explore new ideas and current issues in museum practice.

Our group activities aim to provide 1.) social and networking opportunities for museum professionals, 2.) informal professional development, 3.) a venue for dialogue and idea-sharing, 4.) plenty of mid-Michigan-based fun!

Want to become a member? Join our Facebook group! Not on Facebook? Check our website!

Contact us:

Facebook: facebook.com/groups/MichEMP/   

Instagram: http://instagram.com/empmichigan

Email: MichiganEMP@nationalempnetwork.org 
