Ammy Amorette

Ammy Amorette is a fascinating Chilean artist. Her music, her painting, and her writing are unlike anything, however, she is in a dialogue with everything, which is one of the symptoms of an art that surpasses the ups and downs of the market, the petty scenes and brotherhoods, but beyond that, what she has been doing for more than twenty years is giving rhythm, color and words to a way of life. It is about expression, to be sure, but one where all the signs shine, sing and converse, which is at the same time a definition of life itself.

The paintings in this exhibition are a clear celebration of this way of assuming an existence. From an original chaos that is the very creation of the world, of world, of her world, to the faces, the profiles of living beings that appear to us as if we were in a dream that is hers, but also ours. It is an origin, a total birth and, in turn, the return of a journey through her intuitions, her visions, the voices that populate her and the melodies that we can almost see in these lines, shapes, tones.

It's Violeta Parra's hallucinated arpilleras, as well as the material of her songs, the flow and lucidity of Roberto Matta, the tragic poetry of Pablo de Rokha and the ironic one of Rodrigo Lira and her friends like that of Niko Candia and myself. We are all in those paintings, in their themes, in their poems because that is what Ammy Amorette has done, to give her heart a place in the world and that world is what you are seeing at this moment and surely you will also hear. Art is a generosity with the details that surround us, with the moments of eternity that is all that accompanies us.

These paintings are an invitation to be accomplices of the universe

- Héctor Hernández Montecinos
